Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Thaw is coming the Thaw is COMING !

This is my hope, 1 great big worldwide thaw of the Christian fundamentalist , enough with all the hate, and negativity that we face almost daily. Can it be true, the New pope has told the Catholics of the world to put an end to the hate that they have focused on for so long, forget about the Abortion debate, and the Anti Gay marriage rhetoric, focus on the messages of love and acceptance, maybe there can be an opportunity for healing. I think the Thaw is coming..and I think it will be the children who are aged 8-16 that will push for this -supported by us, the lesser mortals and the soon to be more marginalized right wingers in society. Now if only we could somehow get the American Gun Toting public to see the misdirection they support by falling on the 2nd amendment, we may yet stand a chance for overall peace and tranquility. With the Recent win of a TRUMP administration at the Whitehouse and the foreboding rise of The Donald to the top of the heap, I anticipate a lot of Russian style corruption coming out of the government hierarchy. May we all have the opportunity to be spared the coming Right Wing Onslaught. Women are the owners of their bodies - no one should be able to direct what a woman can, or cannot do with her body, this would be like telling a man his genitals are not his to use, they are state sanctioned tools provided you are using them accordingly,(who decides what proper use is?) otherwise the government reserves the right to remove them ! Again far fetched but similar mindset. Set free those that have been working for change - listen to the message, when Trump tells us the Election is rigged, he knows of what he speaks, rigged elections are not new, they are just resurfacing here in North America, all of us should be afraid...January is the start of the New World Order, let's hope that the order is not as crazy as predicted and that sanity comes to the decision makers !

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